11th June 2022. Edition One. In this edition:
President's Report, BCCT eNews,
BCCT Survey
Trust Correspondence with Local Government,
Hornsby Council request Portal,
Hornsby Council Meetings,
Beecroft Men's Probus,
Hornsby Council Newsletter, Recent Development Applications,
Latest Police Reports.
Message from the President Dear fellow members and residents of Beecroft and Cheltenham,
As life starts to assume a normal pattern post covid-19 and the federal
election, the activities of the Civic Trust are getting busier.
We have met with the office of our State Member, Mr Perrottet, and discussed a number of matters:
Motorway Noise. We
all, including the State Member's office, agree that the motorway noise
is too loud. The next step is to have Transport for NSW measure just
how loud.
The Trust suspended its advocacy to the former minister, Mr. Constance,
for noise testing during the pandemic because of the reduced traffic on
the M2.
Advocacy for this noise testing has now resumed.
Byles Creek.
On the 11th May, Council accepted the recommendations of the
recent Byles Creek Planning Study and allocated funds to proceed with
the next steps in preparing a Planning Proposal and amending the
Development Control Plan. Our local member’s commitment to look at State
funding is still a priority for the Civic Trust.
As heritage is an important issue in our suburbs, we want to know about
the status of the review of the Heritage Act and identify to whom we
need to speak, about the Great North Road’s ford over Devlin’s Creek.
This ford is probably the last remnant of this massive piece of 19th century infrastructure surviving in suburban Sydney.
Following the recent election, we have scheduled a meeting with our re-elected Federal Member, Mr. Jullian Leeser. We wish to congratulate Mr. Leeser on his elevation to the Shadow Ministry as Attorney-General and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and to discuss with him our current activities.
Cheltenham Civic Trust and the Epping Civic Trust are together raising a
number of matters with the Parramatta City Council. These include:
Beecroft Road footpath.
Many people walk the footpath between the M2 motorway and Carlingford
Road to get to Epping Station, this pathway includes a length of
informal track alongside busy Beecroft Road. This route is clearly
unsafe and even more so when wet weather renders the route impassable
forcing pedestrians onto the road. Council has raised legitimate
concerns about people crossing Kandy Avenue where visibility is poor.
This issue will be the subject of further discussion.
Hornsby Shire Council has been very busy in regard to the following:
Heritage studies. TheCivic Trust has contributed to various
reports on heritage by consultants commissioned by Council. The
Trust’s submissions are on our website.
Delivery Program sets out the monies allocated for works in the
Shire and we have sought to target funding for work that the Civic Trust
considers will best address resident concerns. Again, our submission is
on our website.
Village Green and Fearnley Park. We continue to advocate for
improved play equipment and amenities. Recent rain has also identified
the need for upgraded wet weather access.
Bike path. The last part of the bike path route as it nears
Epping remains unclear to the Civic Trust. Parramatta City Council
advises this is a matter for Hornsby Council.
We are seeking clarification.
Pedestrian access between North Epping and Cheltenham.
Whatever the logic was of retaining North Epping in Hornsby, it
seems odd to have two parts of Hornsby Shire connected only by a
meandering path via Whale Rock. The possibility of another improved foot
path, perhaps in parallel to the motorway, is being raised.
Finally, we have started discussions with Transport for NSW concerning the following:
Beecroft railway underpass flooding made it difficult to access
the station from the northern part of Sutherland Road. Also
visibility is limited when crossing Sutherland Road after leaving the
Traffic entering Beecroft Road especially South bound traffic. We
have known for some time about the unresolved safety difficulties at
the Kirkham Street intersection. There are also ongoing safety
issues for Epping bound traffic turning right from any of the streets on
the Western side of Beecroft Rd. We are therefore advocating for a
traffic flow management plan that would allow residents to have a say in
resolving these concerns.
Pennant Hills High School Fair 25th June 3 – 9 PM
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust is joining with Epping Civic Trust and
Westleigh Progress Association to man a stall at this fair. We would
love to see you there on the night and ask that you do whatever possible
to keep any rain away! It should be a great time.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust eNews. The
Trust publishes this monthly eNews newsletter. If you would like
to receive this newsletter on a regular basis, please CLICK HERE to subscribe to the eNews.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Survey To better serve the community, your Trust would like to better understand where our readers live.
Please: CLICK HERE if you live in Beecroft or Cheltenham, North of the M2, in Hornsby LGA. CLICK HERE if you live in Beecroft, South of the M2 in Parramatta LGA. CLICK HERE if you do not live in Beecroft or Cheltenham.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust. The
Trust on behalf of the community, makes regular submission to Local
Government. All correspondence with Council can be viewedon the
Trust's website. CLICK HERE to view the documents.
Update on the Blue Heritage Plaque in Beecroft Beecroft
was one of 17 locations across the State, recently honoured with a Blue
Heritage Plaque. These plaques will identify items of Australian
heritage in a manner similar to the heritage plaques in England.
The Beecroft plaque will honour Dr Mark Lidwill and will be placed on the gates to his former home, Lorne, on Beecroft Road. Lorne is now known as Cook House, within Arden Anglican School. The timing is particularly significant as Arden celebrates its centenary this year.
Dr Lidwill is credited with inventing (amongst other things) the cardiac
pacemaker. He was also a local general practitioner and his early work
on the cardiac pacemaker took place in his home surgery within Lorne.
He was one of the founders of the Pennant Hills Golf Club and was
active in the Beecroft School of Arts. His biography can be found on the
website www.bchg.org.au and search under People-individuals-Lidwill.
Heritage NSW is presently finalising the wording for the plaque, and
associated material, before having the plaque made and arranging an
official unveiling.
The "Teal" History’ of Beecroft. During
the recent Federal election much discussion took place about the
women’s vote and the rise of "teal" candidates. Beecroft has never
had a female State or Federal member but we have had many female local
government Councillors. The year after women first received
the vote in 1901 a Women’s Liberal League formed here in Beecroft. In
1932 a Ladies Auxiliary of the New Guard was formed here in Beecroft.
More information about women in local politics can be found on the website of the Beecroft Cheltenham History Group: www.bchg.org.au and then click on People-Individuals-Women.
Submissions to Hornsby Shire Council We
have been advised by Council that members of the community who wish to
report issues of concern such as non-compliance with Development
Applications; can now use an online portal to register a service request
for investigation. Online Services Portal | Hornsby Shire Council (nsw.gov.au)
Hornsby Shire Council Meetings The Hornsby Shire Council’s detailed 10 year Community Strategic Plan was endorsed by Council on Wednesday 8th June. Council’s minutes and attached strategic plan can be accessed by CLICK HERE
Beecroft Men's Probus Beecroft Men's Probus is celebrating its 40th Anniversary. CLICK HERE for the newsletter.
Our Bushcare Volunteers Continue to do Impressive Work CLICK HERE for the Bushcare newsletter and find out to whom so much is owed.
Hornsby Shire Council's Latest News Bulletin June eNews can be viewed CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Latest Police Reports CLICK HEREfor
the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2022 became due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. We already cover much of our o suburbs. We encourage
residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and friends and
suggest they too subscribe. The eNews letter is available to all
who subscribe. Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always sought to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.